Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Getting Healthy: Take 2

You could say this is take two, I suppose. You could also say it’s take 200 if you count up all the times I’ve tried to change my lifestyle in the past. It’s either insanity or tenacity…I’m not sure which. What I do know is that, no matter how many times I fail, my health is something I cannot give up on. And so, I continue onward in my resolve to kick the caffeine habit and get well.

Wheatgrass Juicer is On the Way!

I was finally able to order my wheatgrass juicer just this morning. I’m so excited! I love my Breville juicer, but it just can’t handle the softer berries and leafy greens. The wheatgrass juicer, on the other hand, will be perfect for leafy greens and of course, wheatgrass itself.

In addition, it can handle the harder fruits and veggies if you cut them up first, so it will be a wonderful traveling companion if I ever need to juice away from home. My Breville is just too big and heavy to travel practically, even if I did have access to a power source. Now…to get some trays, build a rack, get some seed, and start growing my own wheatgrass. That will be an adventure, especially considering that I have this remarkable talent for killing houseplants.

The Plan…Revised

I mentioned in an earlier post about my dihydrosis flaring and what I plan to do about that. In addition to that, I think I’ve settled on a course of action for health in general. I may try to do a full cleanse again later on, but for now I’m going to do a partial cleanse of sorts. My days will be made up of mostly Master Cleanser lemonade and fresh green juice. I may juice some fruit for breakfast here and there, but most of my juices will be green…or at least veggies.

I had beet juice before and it is surprisingly tasty. It’s also a marvelous natural laxative, so we won’t be doing too much of that—lol. I’m still going to be eating, though. I’ve decided that I’m just going to have one meal in the evening and get the rest of my nutrition from juices. I am theorizing that this will allow my digestive system to rest and cleanse to an extent without shutting it down altogether. It will also give me the nutrients and calories I need for a healthier metabolism—I think.

Possible Parasite Cleanse in the Future

I know I have parasites…everyone does. It’s nearly impossible NOT to have parasites between environmental factors, pets, and the very foods we eat. Even health food junkies have parasites. So I’ve been considering doing a parasite cleanse soon. I’ve looked at some kits, but I have more research to do. I want it to be done naturally with herbs and foods if possible, so I have to look into the possibilities for that to see what the best method would be.

My juicing plan will not be a permanent thing. I will eventually return to eating full time and supplement my diet with juice. For the time being, though, I need to eliminate as many unhealthy items and toxins as possible, and it’s just easier to do that if you’re not eating solids.

I may progress into a full juice fast before I return to solid foods, but that remains to be seen. Trying to do too much too fast has resulted in failure so many times, that I think a median approach is in order this time. At least it’s worth a shot…and anything I do that is healthy is better than not doing anything healthy at all. We all have to start somewhere, right?

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