Friday, March 8, 2013

My Family is Hooked on Organic Milk

Part of my new editorial schedule includes one post per week, on Fridays, just about my family—what we’re doing, what we’re into, bragging on the kids, gushing over my hubby…things like that. And while organic milk may not seem like it falls into this category, let me assure you that it does.

Discovering Organic Milk

My family goes through milk like they go through clean underwear. Seriously, I can stock up on everything else, but I’m going to be making at least two runs per week to get another gallon or two of milk. I know that commercially produced milk has all kinds of nasties in it—hormones, antibiotics, and….pus. Ick!

But at $6 a gallon, and my family going through 4-6 gallons every week, going organic never seemed to be financially viable. That was, until, I was in Ingles about three weeks ago and there were five gallons of organic milk going out of date in the next few days. They had them marked down to only a few cents more than the regular milk. I bought every single one of them.

Now here’s something many people don’t know about milk: it freezes extremely well. It does expand and the jug will bulge, but I’ve never had a gallon burst on me. So I took my find home, popped four in the freezer, and left the one with the furthest away expiration date in the fridge.

My Family’s Take on Organic Milk

My husband was the first to sample the goods of which I was so proud. Always the skeptic, and not one to get on board the organic train with anything resembling enthusiasm, he really didn’t have high expectations. It’s just milk, after all. So you can imagine my surprise when he not only gave his seal of approval on this milk, but also authorized me to make room in our grocery budget to get organic from now on.

I tried it next, and I cannot begin to describe the difference. I’m not a huge milk person, which is probably a good thing considering how much milk we already go through without me guzzling it down too. I like milk fine—I just don’t feel the need to have it every day is all. But organic milk…wow. It’s hard to really put into words. It’s milk, but better. It has a stronger milk flavor and I swear it’s creamier. It’s just good.

The girls all give their approval, too. After having tasted what real, good, wholesome milk is like, I don’t think we’ll ever be able to go back to milk-flavored pus. I’ll just have to keep my eyes open for opportunities to get great deals on the stuff, and then stock up like I’m insane when I find them.

Have you ever tried organic milk? Do you find the difference to be as amazing as we do? Are you interested in trying it, but haven’t because of the cost? Tell me about it below!


  1. Ever think about getting a milk cow or two? We have several that provide all our dairy products plus provide milk to help feed the calves, pigs and poultry that we raise for meat. If you like organic milk, you would go crazy over fresh raw milk...

  2. Actually, I would LOVE to have a milk cow....we just don't have anywhere to keep one right now. :( I hope to be able to purchase the 5 acres behind us one day, and then it might be a possibility. I've tried finding raw milk farmers locally, but there aren't any's illegal to sell for anything other than veterinary purposes here in Georgia, and most farmers seem to prefer not to take the chance. :( But one day I'm going to get my hands on some! :)


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