Thursday, March 7, 2013

Thank God for Peppermint Tea!

Thursdays are supposed to be all about my coke addiction and things that I’m trying or are helping me kick the habit. So in that spirit, I can’t help but think how grateful I am to have peppermint tea.

Back at the onset of all of this, I got some peppermint tea so that I could have something to drink on my cleanse besides lemonade. When I later discovered that caffeine was having such a detrimental effect on my hands, I used it as a coffee substitute. It has also been immensely helpful to have on the days that I’m trying not to drink coke but desperately need something with flavor.

In fact, just writing about it is making me want some. I’m a huge mint junkie anyway, though. It’s kind of funny that I do love peppermint so much though, since my husband despises mint in all forms. But that’s ok, I suppose—his favorite scent is vanilla, but the smell gives me a horrendous, nauseous headache. Not real vanilla—just that sickeningly sweet vanilla scent they use in air fresheners and candles—ick! But let’s get off that rabbit trail.

The Amazing Benefits of Peppermint Tea

Why do I drink peppermint tea? Well, because it’s so doggone delicious! It’s a good thing that it really is a healthy drink to have, otherwise I’d have yet another habit to have to break. Honestly, I would drink this stuff whether it had any health benefits or not—it’s that good. It’s just a nice bonus that peppermint tea is good for you. Consider:

  • Peppermint tea is a superior stomach tonic. It helps to sooth an upset stomach and relieves nausea. It’s so effective that it even helps sufferers of Irritable Bowel Syndrome with their symptoms.
  • Peppermint tea is great for headaches and mental clarity. Peppermint scent is helpful in aromatherapy for people who need to relax and focus while also maintaining alertness. I stumbled upon this information in high school, and would often use a peppermint lotion or keep peppermint candies with me during test times.
  • Peppermint tea is soothing for cold symptoms. You know how Vick’s Vaporub instantly soothes your nasal passages when you’re stuffy? That’s the menthol working there! Menthol is the primary chemical in peppermint leaves—and the leaves are what we make the tea out of.
  • Peppermint tea can help ease menstrual cramps. Menthol is an anti-spasmodic, which is why it helps so much with upset stomachs. Those same properties can help to soothe those monthly pains we women were so blessed with.
  • Peppermint has soothing properties for the skin. When my dyshidrotic eczema was at its worst, I’d pop used tea bags in the freezer and then use them as a cold, herbal compress for my hands. It felt sooooo good!

Not All Peppermint Tea is Created Equal

If you want to enjoy peppermint tea or reap any of its health benefits, do yourself a favor and get the good stuff. Grocery store brands tend to be weak, and fall short when it comes to aroma. The ONLY peppermint tea that I’ll buy is from Traditional Medicinals. It’s an amazing, organic, potent brand of pharmacopoeial-grade herbs, and nothing else on the market can touch its quality. At four to five bucks a box, it’s really not that expensive—and it’s worth every penny. Buy it in bulk and you'll get it for less than four bucks a box! Get it from the ad below and enjoy!

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