Wednesday, January 8, 2014

If I Can't Motivate Myself to Exercise, Perhaps I Can Help Motivate Someone Else

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say something that no one has ever said before: I don’t have time to exercise! (I do hope you are able to read the extreme sarcasm in that statement—lol.)Yeah, I know it’s the quintessential excuse for staying overweight and out of shape. I know that if you want something bad enough, you’ll make time for it. I just haven’t exactly figured out the how part of that equation yet.

A Lesson in Opposites

If there were ever an example of polar opposites in siblings, it would be me and my brother.
This man, I swear, he got every good gene in the pool. He’s tall. Well….tall by my family’s standards, anyway. He’s good-looking. And he has RIDICULOUSLY good metabolism. I mean, my brother’s ability to never gain an ounce and to get cut within just a few weeks any time he wants will almost make you sick.

Me, on the other hand…..well, I’m short and stumpy. I can eat basically nothing and still manage to gain weight. I do not enjoy “feeling the burn.” Not one iota. I do not experience some grand sense of accomplishment and pride when I’ve completed a workout. Usually, I just feel sick—haha! It has never been a grand aspiration of mine to get “shredded” or look like a swimsuit model. I really don’t care if I never see the fine definition of my muscles proudly protruding from my skin. I would, however, like to look less like a ball with arms and legs--lol!

Why It’s Relevant

Ok, so what difference does it make if my brother is the workout king and I’m…well….whatever the opposite of that would be? Not much I suppose, except to say that I trust my brother when it comes to health and fitness advice. Whenever I *have* given his advice a try, it’s usually given me good results for as long as I could make myself stick with it.

Which is why I wanted to share a workout regimen he’s created especially for women. He has gone to school to be a personal trainer, so it’s not like this regimen is just some off the wall workout with no scientific basis. I’m thinking about trying it myself sometime soon…you know, when I figure out that how to make time for it bit.

Oh, and if you don’t believe me about him being super cut, just click on the link and have a look at his profile pic. Yes, that’s really him. Makes you sick, doesn’t it? LOL! (Love you, little brother!) Anyway, here’s the workout:

Also, it’s a public program and totally free…and neither I nor he will earn a dime from you clicking on it. It’s just something I wanted to share because he has a heart to help people and his suggestions are based on good, solid health and fitness principles.

If You Need Some Help

My brother also periodically recommends supplements to me. I’m usually wary of taking anything labeled as “high-performance” because I don’t tolerate them too well. I simply do not exert enough physical energy on most days to need them.

But, this one supplement he recommended to me some time back is excellent, and I can get by taking one or two a day whenever I need some extra energy and focus—so long as I drink lots of water and limit my caffeine intake from other sources. Which means I rarely take it because I love my coffee too much, but I do like it very much whenever I do take it.

I took it pretty regular the first month I had it and, while I never worked out any, I did manage to lose 10 pounds. I kept it off for a long time, too, even after I stopped taking it, and only gained 5 pounds back over the holidays despite all the food and whatnot. I think if I took it like you’re supposed to and added in his fitness program, I could see some very good results fairly quickly.

Anyway, the name of the supplement is Cellucor Super HD, and you can get the best price on it by ordering from here:
*Disclaimer: This is an affiliate link, so I will earn a few cents if you order it from my link, but I wouldn’t recommend it if I didn’t personally endorse it. :) I promise, you'll pay two or three times as much if you get if from a brick and mortar store!

So there you go. A couple of tools to help you if you want to lose some weight and get toned up, from a source I love and trust very much. Now, if I could just get with the program!


  1. Wow, your brother is awesome, I bet the ladies love him. Good stuff.

  2. LOL...they really do. :) He is truly blessed to have a wife who isn't the jealous type for sure! Thanks so much!


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