Thursday, January 17, 2013

Healthy Food, Good Food

They’re calling for up to an inch of snow in our area tonight. Even if it doesn’t snow, it’s been raining like crazy, so black ice is almost guaranteed. So, like any good Southern girl, off to the grocery store I went for milk and bread. I don’t know why we have to buy milk and bread when it’s supposed to snow, but we do and so I just carry on tradition.

I had the thought that I’d get some produce to juice while I was there, but then remembered that the I do not yet have the juicer I need to do leafy greens. L So, I just got a bunch of produce for meals. Two of my little ones were there helping me…E, my middle child, tried to buy every bunch of asparagus the store had. Better asparagus than cookies, right?

So I get all of this wonderful produce home, along with my dutiful purchase of milk and bread, and am unsure of exactly what to do with it. I ended up “grilling” the asparagus and some green beans drizzled with olive oil and lightly salted on my griddle, then sautéed the mushrooms. To go with it, we had a lovely bistro salad, which is my favorite salad ever, that my 2 year old made almost all by herself.

Everyone helped out, actually. A, my oldest, washed the produce, snapped the ends off the beans, and sliced the mushrooms and pears. E arranged the asparagus and beans in the foil, then wrapped them to be grilled, along with slicing strawberries for the salad. S put the salads together on the plates and C sautéed the mushrooms. I was left to pretty much orchestrate—lol.

Aside from it being very crowded and noisy, it was a delightful experience. I don’t think we’ve ever all actually pitched in to a meal. We’ve all been in the kitchen during meal preparation before, and one or two might help with something here and there…but we all actually had a hand in tonight’s supper. And the best part? It was really, really good!

I also discovered something at the store that may be my saving grace. I’m still really missing the Coke…walking by them and NOT picking up a few cases was liken to torture. But, there’s this lightly flavored carbonated water called La Croix. They have just plain carbonated water, which I started to try, but I got the grapefruit flavor and the berry flavor. They are ok…certainly not Coke, but nothing in it but water and a little flavor, so what can you expect? The grapefruit is definitely better, but they are going to take some getting used to.

What is the point of this rambly, every day post? I guess it doesn’t have one, other than healthy food can be good food and family meal preparation can be enjoyable. Until I get my wheatgrass juicer, I’m kind of stuck about doing green juice, but in the meantime, I can eat sensibly and so that is what I’ll do.

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