Monday, February 17, 2014

Inbox Dollars Review
Sorry about the little hiatus, all! I’ve been just a bit busy these days, and not even wanting to look at a computer when I don’t have to probably didn’t help matters much, either. But, I’m back now and today I wanted to do a review of sorts about a site I’ve been testing out for several months now.

Inbox Dollars for a Little Spare Cash

Inbox Dollars is not new, and I’m definitely not the first to write about them. I forget exactly how I came across the site, but I decided to give it a go when I did. So what is it?

Well, Inbox Dollars is a paid email club-like thing. They send you email advertisements and you get 2 cents for every email you confirm having read. Sometimes, the emails give you an opportunity to earn even more if you take action on them. For example, I got an extra 25 cents for signing up for a diabetes newsletter, and an extra dollar once for comparing auto insurance rates.

It also gives you other ways to make money, some of which can be very lucrative if you do a lot of online shopping. I haven’t personally explored any of these because I’m not big on the whole “get all this for free, just pay shipping, but then we’re going to send you a new shipment every month that you do have to pay for unless you jump through 10,000 hoops to send it back and cancel” scene. But that’s just me.

There are also sometimes videos you can watch for a penny here and there, and coupons that you earn money on if you print and redeem them. They give you a little signup bonus, along with some tasks that help you get closer to their $30 payout, so that’s nice. Overall, I’ve found it to be a fun way to zone out, waste a little time, and still feel like you didn’t completely waste your time since you’re letting pennies build up.

The best way to make money with them, other than the offers section, is qualifying for surveys. As a general rule, I don’t much care for paid surveys because it’s so hard to qualify for them. But for those that you can get in on, it helps add to the lump sum, so ya know. The little “spin and win” wheel that you get to play on when you don’t qualify is fun, and sometimes you can win a nickel or so….though I’ve mostly ever won sweepstakes entries.

What I Think of Inbox Dollars

I intentionally held off on writing any kind of review until after I’d reached the payment threshold. I wanted to be sure that they actually do pay before I recommended them to anyone. Well…they do. When I got to $30, I requested a check. They have a $3.00 payment processing fee, which I wasn’t too terribly thrilled about. But they did offer to waive the fee if I could get to $40 within a month.

Well, that sounded good enough and all, but considering it took me 6 months to get to $30, I figured I’d pass on that. Besides, the whole point was to find out if they actually paid. It took a couple of weeks to process, but they did mail me a check for my earnings minus the processing fee. But…they credited my account with $3.00 at the same time to counteract that fee, so I suppose all’s well.

After I got my check, they upgraded me to a “Gold Member”, which sounds nice, but I’m not really entirely sure what that means. More opportunities to make money and faster payouts after I reach the threshold is what they tell me, but I honestly haven’t spent enough time exploring that to say for sure.

Overall, I like the site, though it’s certainly not anything you’re going to be able to quit your day job with. Of course, I knew that going in so I wasn’t disappointed in any way…just thought I’d throw that out there to be clear. I say it’s definitely worth trying, just be sure you have a junk email address to deal with it all to keep from cluttering up your main email. If you want to give it a try, I’d love for you to sign up under my referral link. Just click the picture below to get started: