Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Dyshidrosis Vitamin D Cure, Take 3

I do not understand why the universe is DETERMINED to make a liar out of me. Never fails. I can keep my mouth shut about something and it will never change. Life will continue with no issues and everybody’s happy. But the MOMENT I tell someone else about it, it’s all over.

That would seem to be the case with my vitamin D dyshidrotic eczema cure. Remember me telling you last time about only having a small patch on one foot, and that not bothering me very much? Yeah, well….it decided to become a full blown breakout which resulted in several days of itchy misery for me.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Daddy-Daughter Bonding through Homemade Junkyards

My husband is sorely outnumbered on the gender front in our household. There’s me, of course, and then our four girls. Even the dog is female.

My Grandpa, I think, had a special sympathy toward my husband because he raised four girls, too. They understood each other without ever having to say a word…and my husband is convinced that this situation is the reason my grandfather so dearly loved spending time in his shop and checking on his cows.

Despite the slow, steady, passive-aggressive takeover of estrogen in our family, though, my husband has never felt or acted as though he could not share the things that interest him with our children.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

If I Can't Motivate Myself to Exercise, Perhaps I Can Help Motivate Someone Else

I'm going to go out on a limb here and say something that no one has ever said before: I don’t have time to exercise! (I do hope you are able to read the extreme sarcasm in that statement—lol.)Yeah, I know it’s the quintessential excuse for staying overweight and out of shape. I know that if you want something bad enough, you’ll make time for it. I just haven’t exactly figured out the how part of that equation yet.

A Lesson in Opposites

If there were ever an example of polar opposites in siblings, it would be me and my brother.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Getting Back to Roots

It recently occurred to me that the original intent of this blog has gone by the wayside a bit. What started as a journey toward better health has culminated into pretty much whatever life throws at me in the moment. And, while I’m ok with that, I did feel like perhaps the occasional mention of what brought me here in the first place would be appropriate.

It really has nothing to do with New Year’s. I know most people make resolutions, and one of the most popular resolutions is to lose weight/get healthy. Sure I want to do those things, too, but I gave up resolutions some time ago. You can read why here: New Year 2011

No, it’s really more because I’ve neglected my blog for so long, despite having many, many things to say. It’s feeling like I owe it to myself to take just a few moments every couple of days to write something just for me. So if you’ll forgive me a few hundred words, I’d like to ramble a bit.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

How to Cook Collard Greens—That People Will Actually Eat

I thought about getting reflective and deep on this New Year’s Day, but honestly….I’m not in the mood. I’ll get around to that later when I have time.

What I am doing today is cooking our New Year’s meal, complete with collard greens. As I was cooking, I remembered not too long ago when I received one of the greatest compliments on my greens that I’ve ever gotten. It was from an older gentleman at our church who compared mine with his grandmother’s. He also made the comment that there are few people who can cook collard greens like that. Wow!

Now I know that collard greens aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, but I personally love them. I could eat them morning, noon, and night and be happy as a lark. They have to be done right, though. And evidently, doing them right isn't quite as straightforward as I would have imagined.