Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A Seriously Overdue Update

Has it really been two weeks since I posted anything? I mean, I knew I’d been busy, but didn’t realize I’d been that  busy! This is going to be a long  post. You’ve been warned. J

I took a little time off from writing to go be a florist for Valentine’s Day at my mama’s shop, and then for a bit of rest from the stress that comes with working the insane amount of hours that I do. We also took a little trip down south for my oldest daughter’s first archery competition, and it was nice to get out and about to somewhere we normally wouldn’t visit.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Why Is It So Stinkin' Hard to Drink Water?

Water. It’s the stuff life is made of. Our bodies are comprised of an overwhelming percentage of it. It is Earth’s most precious natural resource barring oxygen. It’s pure goodness and so very useful for a multitude of things. Why, then, is it so blasted difficult to drink?!?!?

I try to drink water, I really do. But it’s really a challenge for me. Water is so bland, so tasteless, so….water. It’s not even that I don’t like water. Water that comes from my well is very good as water goes. I won’t touch city water with a 10-foot pole, but that’s city water—you can hardly even call that stuff water, if you want my opinion about it. Good, crisp well water, however, is quite nice. It just doesn’t taste as good as practically anything that has sugar in it is all.

Be Careful What You Wish For

It seems that I may have been neglecting my blog as of late. Shame on me! To be fair, though, an insomniac who can no longer have the benefit of caffeine must preserve what little energy she has for work and home. I have wanted to blog several times in the last week or so. Unfortunately, by the time I got finished with my obligations, there was simply nothing left.

So, with my excuses out of the way, let’s get down to it. I have tons to say, but for this post, we’re going to discuss my dyshidrotic eczema a bit. I’m sure you’ve heard the expression, “Be careful what you wish for. You just might get it.” Yeah…let me tell you about getting wishes when you have dyshidrosis.