Sunday, January 13, 2013

Imagine There Being a Witty Title Here

Bleck. Not feeling so hot today. I’m having a hard time thinking well, so creativity has gone out the window. Hence, my apologies for such an underwhelming title. But I did want to at least update…this will probably be a rambly post.

I went to sleep around 11 last night with every intention in the world of sleeping till at least 9 this morning. My hands woke me up at 5:30 with an angry kind of itch. In trying not to actually scratch them, I ended up rubbing them half raw with a towel in an attmept to abate the intensity of the sensation. Excessive weeping ensued. So, as much as I knew it would burn, I thought this was the opportune time for a vinegar soak.

I used apple cider vinegar because I picked up some more the other day at Earth Fare. It actually didn’t burn nearly as bad as I anticipated, and it did seem to dry the weeping out. But I had another bought of itching a couple of hours ago. This crap is driving me crazy! Oh, please let this cleanse clear it up!!!

Speaking of the Cleanse…

I got pretty hungry while I was soaking my hands…to the point that I was afraid I might be sick. You’re supposed to do the saltwater flush before you have anything in the morning, but I had to have some lemonade. You cannot imagine how hungry I was. So, I opted to skip the flush this morning. Not the best thing for me, but not terrible either. I will make myself do it in the morning, though. No sense in loosening these toxins if you’re not going to expel them.

After my initial morning hunger, hunger has not been much of an issue today. Lethargy has. I’ve felt a little sick, had some mild headaches, but mostly I’ve just been incredibly tired. I went back to sleep somewhere between 10 and 11 this morning, and slept till 3. I would have slept longer, I think, but a huge limb fell on our porch and C woke me up to look at it.

I had to get C to squeeze my lemons for me earlier…my hands are pretty rough and I just couldn’t do it. This is a huge favor for me to ask him because there are few things in this world that he hates more than lemons. So a big, big thank you to my hubby for helping me through this.

Right now I just want to go back to sleep. It’s seeming to me like the detox process is going to be slow and drawn out this time around. It may be more tolerable, but at the same time, I think I’d just rather have it over with in one day like the first time around. Oh, well. I did this to myself, right?

I think I’m going to send out my work emails for the week and then crash again. Sorry this is a less than fun post…but the good with the bad, yes? Perhaps tomorrow will see me a bit more chipper. 

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