Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Master Cleanse and New Beginnings

It took me two hours this morning to get up the gall to do my flush, but once I started I was ok. I’m actually feeling pretty good right now. I’m working on my 10th glass of lemonade and I only have a mild headache. Of course, I’ve been drinking water like it’s going out of style, too, so I’m wondering if that has helped to minimize the caffeine withdrawal symptoms.

I’m actually just a tad concerned that I’m not feeling like I’m about to die. Don’t get me wrong…I am most grateful that the first day has not been like it was the last time. But at the same time, I should be seriously detoxing from caffeine right now and I feel fine for the most part. So I have to wonder if the worst is yet to come, or worse—the cleanse isn’t doing anything.

The Master Cleanse and Hunger

I was not remotely hungry up until about two hours ago. That’s when the family ate. Grilled cheese sandwiches…and they smelled sooo good. C was originally going to make bacon and eggs, but I gave him a look, while calling him evil, that suggested his life may be at risk if he made me smell bacon cooking right now. ;)

While I do like to do this as by the book as possible, I’m also not a purist. Last time around, Day 1 was really hard. I ended up eating a salad that night because I couldn’t cope with the hunger and the sickness all at the same time. I’m a bit hungry now.

The family was eating strawberries, and I did decide I would have one. Just one. I was very, very hungry by that point, and I took tiny little bites that I basically liquefied in chewing before I swallowed it. I figure one tiny little strawberry is not going to make that much difference in the long term, but it may help to keep me from abandoning the whole endeavor. I don’t intend to have tiny snacks like this anymore, but if I need it, I will. Purists would have a fit, but the point of this is wellness—and I have to do what works for me.

The Master Cleanse and Weight Loss

First of all, I’m not doing this to lose weight. I am doing this to break my coke and caffeine addiction and to get well. Most weight you lose on the cleanse comes back anyway. I lost about 13 pounds last time, I think, and I want to say that about half of it came back quickly. I forgot to weigh myself before I started this morning, but I did remedy that a few moments ago. 160 on the dot. Wow. Remember…I’m only 4’11.5”, so this is a lot of weight on me.

I know I’m going to lose weight, but I don’t have any kind of goal about it right now. When I get to the juice fast, I’ll probably focus on that a little more. Ultimately, I want to lose about 40 pounds or so. We’re still a few weeks away from getting serious about that, though.

I think I may lie down soon. I feel fine, but I am a little tired—and a bit hungry still. The more of the initial hunger I can sleep through, the better, because it’s mostly psychological hunger. The lemonade is surprisingly filling, and after a few days, it will be more than enough to satisfy. For now, I’ve got to relearn that you don’t need to chew food in order to live. I know this intuitively, but my psyche’s got to come to terms with it again. 

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