Saturday, January 12, 2013

Setting and Achieving Goals

It recently occurred to me that, given the timing of this whole wellness thing, some of you may believe that it’s my New Year’s Resolution. It’s not. First of all, I stopped making resolutions a few years ago—they’re stupid and very rarely are true resolutions. Second of all, we’re nearly two weeks into the new year, so I’d be running terribly behind if that were the case. No, this is something I’ve been mulling over and planning for a while now.

I am the World’s Best Goal-Setter

I can set so many goals so fast that it would make your head spin. Seriously, I’m extremely good at goal setting in every aspect of my life. I design good, reasonable goals that are totally achievable and are not an exercise in extremism. Expert Goal Setter…that’s me.

Unfortunately, I’m also the world’s worst goal achiever. I have a serious deficit of follow-through. Shortly into whatever goal I’m pursing, I’ll either mess something up, lose motivation, or simply forget that I’m working on a goal. Chronic Goal Abandoner…that’s me.

Perhaps that’s why completing a full 21 days of the Master Cleanse two years ago was such a big deal for me. I decided to do something and I did it. There were times that I normally would have given up, but I stayed the course until I knew it was time to quit. I achieved my goal. This is one of the few times in my life that I can say that about, so maybe that’s why I chose the Master Cleanse as the starting point of my journey—I know I can do it.

Why I’m Doing This Now

I made the decision a couple of months ago that I was going to do something about my health and my lifestyle. What I’m doing now is making me too old too fast and I’m tired of not feeling good. But, we had the holidays to contend with. Of course, that involved lots of food, lots of traveling, and lots of being broke. So I knew that it would be after the first of the year before I could do this. The real question was how long after the first of the year.

I chose the 12th of January purely for financial reasons—that’s when I’d have grocery money. Well, maybe it wasn’t entirely financial. I did want to start this thing as quickly as possible so that I didn’t change my mind. This dishydrosis thing made sure I had plenty of motivation to follow through, though.
I also wanted to start on a weekend so that I could get through the worst of the detox without it interfering with my ability to work. Finally, I needed a couple of days before my regular workweek to get back into the swing of losing that hour to the flush.

So, while it may seem as though this is a New Year’s resolution, it’s really not. But I suppose it is a resolution of sorts because I am resolved to get a handle on my health. The fact that it happened in January is nothing more than a byproduct of scheduling and finances. 

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