Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Saltwater Flush

I purposefully waited to discuss the saltwater flush in detail until today. I wanted to go through the experience again, fresh, so that I could be sure of my feelings about it. They haven’t changed. I do not enjoy this portion of the cleanse overly much.

However, it’s really not as terrible as you might think. The hardest part is getting down a quart of saltwater within a fairly short time. For me, it’s not the saltwater as much as it is that it would be hard for me to chug down a quart of anything within a short period of time. I’m more of a sipper kind of gal.

Getting It Down

I will say this…using very warm water—almost hot—to do the flush is much more pleasant than using cold or lukewarm water. I learned last time that you can easily pretend that the flush is a very salty broth when it’s warm. When it’s not—gag! Also, it’s important to remember that it’s 2 TEAspoons, not 2 tablespoons of seasalt to a quart of water.

Even using this bit of knowledge this morning, I still had a bit of trouble getting it down. After about half of it, I started to get queasy. I don’t remember whether I had that problem last time or not. Anyway, I had to pause for a few minutes lest the saltwater exited my body via the wrong route. I did eventually manage to get all but a few sips drunk before it did was it was designed to do.

Riding It Out

I like to chug as much as I can all at one time because, in my experience, the rate in which you consume it will be the rate in which it comes out. So, for me at least, the faster I can get that stuff in me, the quicker the entire process will go.

You will have multiple…movements. There’s just no way to discuss this delicately, but I’ll try. Some will have quite a large amount of force behind them while others will be milder. I link this to when I chug versus when I have to slow down and sip. But that’s just me—other people may have different experiences.

For me, I just grab my bible and get comfortable. I see absolutely no reason to, um…clean up… multiple times just to have to rush back in a minute or two and do it again. I stay put until I’m relatively sure most of it’s done with. Then I’m ready to go about the rest of my day without too much further event.

How I Feel About It

None of it’s what I would call pleasant, but it’s also not unbearable either. I just have to make up my mind that this needs to be done and get it over with. I make the most of my time being indisposed by reading, relaxing my mind, and getting focused for the day. So there is a spiritual/psychological/emotional value in this process along with the physical cleansing, if you allow there to be. That is what I try to focus on.

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